It’s your first Acupuncture / TCM visit…


If it’s your very first Acupuncture Appointment or just your first Acupuncture Appointment with us, here are a few things to help.

First off, you will enjoy the appointment and we wont hurt you.

During the initial Acupuncture/TCM appointment:

  • We will perform a detailed assessment of your overall health in order to identify any imbalances. This can include diet, sleep, appetite, digestion, stool, stress, thirst, temperature, etc.

  • You will get comfy on the massage table. You will stay fully covered on the table with the option of a heated bed and heat lamp for the feet.

  • We will check your tongue and pulse (in TCM, this gives us tons of info about your health)

  • We will painlessly perform the acupuncture treatment with points selected for your specific needs. If any additional modalities are required for your case they will also be done at this time (cupping, gua sha, LED light therapy).

  • You get to totally relax for about 30 minutes. Most people fall asleep during this time.

  • When the session is completed, we will remove the acupuncture needles and apply small point stimulators to a few body and ear points which will help to extend the benefits of the treatment over the following few days.

  • We will discuss a customized treatment plan that best supports your needs. In addition to acupuncture, this may include modalities like herbal therapy, dietary recommendations and/or gut restoration when needed.

  • After the treatment, your job is to enjoy the bliss.

Is there anything that I need to do before the appointment?

Yes, please make sure to bring your filled in paperwork to the appointment. The Acupuncture intake is quite lengthy (we need quite a bit of information about your health) so make sure to do this before you come to the office. You can access the initial acupuncture forms at the bottom of the page or you can download them here.

What else should I know?

  • Please dress comfortably. Shorts and a T-shirt are perfect for acupuncture as it allows us to access most of the points. If this isn’t an option, no problem, we have robes for you to use.

  • After your treatment you are going to feel super relaxed so please factor that calm into the rest of your day and try to schedule your day accordingly, with as little stress as possible.

Have more questions regarding Acupuncture? Head on over to our Acupuncture FAQ’s page.

Take a moment to look over the clinic’s COVID precautions to aid us in keeping every one safe and healthy.

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Recent evidence suggests that the gut microbiome is likely the master control center of overall human health. Peering into these microbial ecosystems can offer insight into disease susceptibility and potential root causes of illness.

Infrared wavelengths penetrate tissues and detoxify cells by vibrating ionic bonds and improving lymphatic flow and blood circulation. They can help to decrease the size of water clusters in the body, giving them greater mobility and penetration in and out of body tissues, thus carrying toxins out of cells so they can be released.

Symptoms include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughs, postnasal drip, skin conditions, rashes and itchy, watery eyes. Reactions may be associated with pollens, dust, food, chemicals and animals (including dog and cat dander and bird feathers), air-borne substances and contactants.