Qi Body Cup


Body cupping can be a wonderful way to move stagnation, support healthy circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.  The Qi Body Cup is used specifically for cellulite reduction by using a moving cupping technique over the areas of concern.  This is done with VERY gentle suction.

The Qi Body Cup is a larger version of our Qi Facial Cups and it is used in a similar way.  This is a bigger cup that is great for larger thigh, buttocks, and hip areas, but can be used anywhere there is cellulite.  The Qi Body Cup is a great adjunct therapy to go with a body brush and our Qi body gua sha board, if you want to embrace them together.

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Body cupping can be a wonderful way to move stagnation, support healthy circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.  The Qi Body Cup is used specifically for cellulite reduction by using a moving cupping technique over the areas of concern.  This is done with VERY gentle suction.

The Qi Body Cup is a larger version of our Qi Facial Cups and it is used in a similar way.  This is a bigger cup that is great for larger thigh, buttocks, and hip areas, but can be used anywhere there is cellulite.  The Qi Body Cup is a great adjunct therapy to go with a body brush and our Qi body gua sha board, if you want to embrace them together.

Body cupping can be a wonderful way to move stagnation, support healthy circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.  The Qi Body Cup is used specifically for cellulite reduction by using a moving cupping technique over the areas of concern.  This is done with VERY gentle suction.

The Qi Body Cup is a larger version of our Qi Facial Cups and it is used in a similar way.  This is a bigger cup that is great for larger thigh, buttocks, and hip areas, but can be used anywhere there is cellulite.  The Qi Body Cup is a great adjunct therapy to go with a body brush and our Qi body gua sha board, if you want to embrace them together.

Cupping has been used in TCM for thousands of years and has a wonderful history of treating sore muscles, moving fluids and moving stagnation.  It is also a great way to relax and support the fascia.


Body Cupping for cellulite reduction should NOT leave any marks and it should NOT be painful, so if you see marks or feel any pain, you are using too much suction so lighten up!  You want a very gentle suction in the cup so it is easy to glide over the skin, without any discomfort.  

When doing this therapy, make sure you have a good body oil on the area being cupped to ensure the cup slides properly.

Make sure to have some oil on the area before starting.  Gently give the bulb a half squeeze and then once suction is made, gently slide the cup up the area.  If there is pain of any kind, release the cup and do a gentler squeeze of the bulb for less pressure.  The cup should easily glide without any discomfort.

We recommend dry brushing before a shower and then post shower apply your favorite body oil.  Now you are ready to alternate Body cupping and Body Gua Sha on the problem areas, so you get a few of each treatments a week.