Winter is a great time to give your Kidneys some lovin’…


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), each organ system is associated with a specific season of the year, along with many other related associations like smell, emotion, color, body tissue, organ systems, body functions, element, etc... 

Winter is associated with your Kidneys, making the winter months a fantastic time to boost and balance your Kidney energy and bolster your overall health.  

In TCM, all the bodily systems rely on the Kidney for Qi,  for their energy to function properly. They are the foundation for all Yin and Yang qualities within the body.  They also maintain the balance between the Yin and Yang energies in the body, AND within each of the different organ systems as well. Meaning that if the Kidney yin or yang is out of balance it can affect other systems in the body.  This is an extremely important function, so it is very typical to find the Kidneys at the root of many imbalances seen in the body.  

What are the signs of a Kidney imbalance? 

Signs on the face:

Dark circles

Puffy face

Bags under the eyes

Premature aging


Signs in the Body

Feeling stressed

Knee or back pain

Salt cravings

Frequent urination

Hormonal imbalances

Reproductive issues

Low motivation

Poor memory

Ringing in the ears

Poor hearing

Premature greying of the hair or loss of hair


Osteoporosis or brittle bones

Adrenal issues


If any of these signs or symptoms seem familiar to you … let’s balance those Kidneys!


How can you support your Kidneys and give them some love?


Many of the branches of TCM can be a wonderful way to support your Kidney’s Yin, Yang and Qi while boosting your overall health.  Things like Acupuncture, herbs, moxa, dietary therapy, acupressure, gua sha, etc. can all be wonderful ways to support the Kidneys during this time of year, or any time of year.  Find a TCM practitioner/licensed acupuncturist and get some treatments!



From a dietary standpoint, think warm hearty soups, whole grains, beans, root veggies, seaweeds and steamed winter greens.  Avoid raw foods in the winter.  Slightly salty and slightly bitter foods can be beneficial as well.  Things like: asparagus, turnips, celery, rye, oats, quinoa, miso, soy sauce, millet, barley, etc.  Do not use salt to an excess, but a small amount can benefit the kidneys.  Some fruits that have been shown to support the Kidneys are blueberries, cranberries and grapes.



From an at-home acupressure standpoint, there are a few points you can massage at home to help support your Kidneys.  Massage each point for about 30 seconds, make sure to do both sides. Acupressure is pretty forgiving so just get as close to the point as you can.


KD3 (Taixi )-  to find this point, locate the middle of your inner ankle bone and then slide your finger back until you hit your achilles tendon, KD 3 is between the two points, dead center.




UB23 (Shenshu) – to find this point, make a fist with both hands and put them on your lower back at waist level.  This point is about 2 finger widths from the spine at the level of the second lumbar vertebra if you want the specifics. 😊  So, around the waist, give or take for ease.  Rub the area in circular motions with your fists for about 30 seconds. 



Embrace warm nurturing baths!  The kidneys’ element is water, so warm baths are fabulous.  A nice long soak in a hot tub can do wonders for warming the kidneys and relaxing the body along with the mind. Try some Epsom salts or toss some herbs into your bath, they are not just for taking. Herbs can be a great addition to any bath as the pores are open and the herbs can work their magic.


Try infrared saunas to warm you up this winter and support your yang! Our Kidneys help us to detox and are typically overworked, let’s give them a break. When you get into an infrared sauna, you not only warm the body but you can stimulate the detoxification process so toxins are removed through the skin instead of the Kidneys. This can take some of the pressure off the Kidneys and gives them a little rest. The benefits of sweating in an infrared sauna are well understood.  


Stay hydrated! Don’t forget to keep your water intake up over the winter. Many people don’t drink as much as they should and this will impact your Kidneys. Avoid ice water and stick to room temperature or warm water throughout the day during the cold winter months.


Take some downtime (guilt-free) and truly embrace days off, don’t fill them with your ‘To Do List’ that is 4 miles long. Take time for yourself and recharge!


These are just a few fun tips to help you strengthen and support your Kidneys this winter!




Stay warm.  Stay healthy.  Stay sane.



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