Top Tips to Boost the Immune System




Herbs are amazing in general for boosting the immune system and I recommend them for everything! But, my all-time favorite immune-boosting herb is Astragalus ... it is fantastic! This herb can be taken long term and is wonderful for keeping you healthy. Don’t take it if you are sick, switch to something else, but this is a great choice for daily prevention!!

In its raw form, it can go in broths, soups, or tea.  Or, it can be taken in a tincture or pill form.  I love Jade Screen, which is a classic TCM formula that uses astraglaus as the main herb, it is my go-to for keeping the immune system strong.  I prefer the one that Plum Flower makes.

Try drinking your herbs. There are numerous immune-boosting herbs so the herb tea selection of options is huge. Teas are really simple to prepare, making them an easy and tasty way to benefit from herbs on a daily basis.

Some of my favorite immune-boosting herbs for a tea (other than astragalus) are: Eleuthero, Schisandra Berries, Elderberries, Rosehips, Goji Berries, Holy Basil and Garlic.

The Immune Boost ES tea from Qi Botanics is wonderful!  It is a bit more work than normal tea - it is an herbal decoction - but it works wonders for boosting the immune system along with offering prevention against early-stage pathogens. This is especially important with everything that is going on in the world right now. 


Mushroom extracts are a great way to boost the immune system. Mushroom’s immune boosting abilities come from their super high level of polysaccharides (they are high is beta-glucans) that are in their cell walls. This compound interacts with many of the immune cells within the body, like macrophages, monocytes, and neutrophils.

Top Mushrooms to add to your diet: Shitake, Changa, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, and Maitake.


A healthy Microbiome is essential for a healthy immune system. Did you know that a huge proportion of your immune system is in your gut?  Show your gut some love! Your immune system is regulated by the bacteria in your gut so this amazing microbiome organ holds the key to a healthy immune system. Increasing probiotics AND prebiotics is essential for a healthy gut. 

Increasing fermented foods (kimchi, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut, pickles, kefir)  can help add natural probiotics into the diet, and adding foods high in oligosaccharides ( jicama, garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichoke, lentils, asparagus) can add more prebiotics, (food that feeds the probiotics) into your diet. 


A simple daily dietary goal is to eat a rainbow of colors every day, to ensure you're getting all the nutrients you need to thrive. Colorful foods are chocked full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, phenolics, anthocyanins, carotenoids, omegas, etc… the list goes on and on… and your body needs all of them!! Food is our first line of defense for a healthy immune system. It is easy to remember … the more colorful your plate looks, the better!

Make sure to eat your Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, Brown, Black and White fruits and veggies … every day! 


This can be a great time of year to add some additional supplementation to your diet by adding some extra vitamins. Increasing Zinc, Vitamins A, C, D, and E can help support a healthy body. All of these nutrients have been shown to strengthen the immune system. Being low in any of these nutrients can impact immune function. Unfortunately, statistics show that a large percentage of the public is low in Zinc and Vitamin D specifically. When choosing a vitamin or supplement, always go with a whole food source that is organic and research your brands or ask your health care practitioner what they recommend if you are unsure.

Don't forget your trace minerals as well, they are vital for the body’s proper function. I really like Concentrace as a trace mineral supplement.


Chronic stress makes everything worse! When we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off pathogens is reduced. So, if we are chronically stressed, we will be more susceptible to infections. De-stress and get healthier.

Find ways to reduce stress levels with whatever feeds your soul: acupuncture, massage, getting in nature, long baths, yoga, meditation, unplug or whatever else works for you, just find something and do it regularly. Reducing stress levels is paramount for a healthy body.


Sleep is vitally important! Studies show that people who don't get enough sleep or who don’t get quality sleep are more susceptible to getting sick when exposed to a virus, like the common cold. Not only that, but lack of sleep can contribute to a slower recovery from an illness should you get sick. Make sure to get a solid 8 hours a night. Your body and immune system will thank you!

Continue to make staying healthy a priority this fall!   

Stay Healthy!


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