Frequently Asked Questions for Microneedling
What is Microneedling?
Microneedling is the process of using a group of tiny needles to penetrate specific areas of the skin. This creates micro-channels in the skin, which are a controlled micro-trauma. When the channels are created, the skin’s own natural repair response is initiated which stimulates the healing response to create new collagen within the skin. This can also help to break down old collagen patterns, as seen with scars, to create new healthier collagen. This process improves skin quality and texture while creating younger and healthier looking skin.
How does it work?
The treatment introduces fine needles to the skin to create microscopic channels. These microscopic wounds stimulate the skin’s healing process and the dermis is encouraged to produce new collagen and elastin which generates new skin cells. The skin then becomes thicker, plumper and more youthful. Serums that are applied to the skin afterwards are absorbed more effectively and products used are absorbed deep into the skin. Hundreds of channels are created during a Microneedling treatment.
Microneedling improves the thickness of the dermis and the epidermis. This in turn improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles. It also helps to decrease hyper-pigmentation and acne scars.
How many treatments will I need and how often?
For the best results, we recommend an initial series of 6 treatments. The treatments should be done about 4 weeks apart. Improvements are usually seen after the second treatment and will continue to improve through the series. Maintenance treatments can be done after the series is completed and there is no limit on the amount of treatments that can be given. Treatment response is highly individual so there is no way to predict the final results.
Is it painful?
Microneedling uses extremely fine needles which makes the treatment very easy to tolerate. Some people do experience discomfort on certain areas of the face, but normally this isn’t an issue. We can offer numbing cream if it’s needed or requested. Towards the end of the session the face may feel slightly tight and a bit sore, similar to having a sunburn.
We use a depth of .5mm or 1 mm (depending on what is needed) for our sessions, which has been proven in numerous studies to be the shortest depth possible to consistently reach the necessary level in the skin to activate collagen production.
How long are the treatments?
A typical Microneedling facial treatment lasts about an hour and a half, but the actual Microneedling part of the treatment only takes about 15 to 20 minutes. After the Microneedling is complete, we do a 30 minute LED light therapy on the face to reduce the inflammation and support even more healthy collagen production. We then apply nutrient dense serums (hyaluronic acid, vitamin, herbal, etc.) along with a cooling Hydrojelly mask to further support healthy skin function and reduce inflammation. We can include the face, neck, décolletage and/or hands in the treatment.
What type of micro-needling do you do?
We use a top of the line AcuMicro Microneedling device which is a premium class 2 medical device that is FDA approved for all of our treatments. It uses sterile single use cartridges. By using a Microneedling device, we can easily change the depth of the insertion when covering different areas of the face to ensure the appropriate treatment. When the Microneedling device is passed over the skin, the microneedles create tiny, evenly-spaced channels on the skin. During the body's natural wound-healing process, collagen and elastin are regenerated. This results in thicker, plumper skin like you had when you were younger. This type of device also allows for Nanoneedling as well for working around the eyes.
What can Microneedling treatments help?
Micro-needling can help to:
· Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
· Reduce acne scars
· Reduce hyper-pigmentation
· Reduce scars
· Improve skin texture
· Repair and plump the skin
· Minimize stretch marks
· Even out skin tone and helps to repair sun damaged skin
· Increase the delivery of ingredients/nutrients used on skin
What are typical results?
Typically, you will begin to see results in about 6 to 8 weeks and improvements in the skin and collagen production will continue over the next year.
What are the immediate after effects?
After a Microneedling treatment, there will be some redness, which will vary from person to person. This can be a slight pink or a deeper red, similar to a sunburn and can last for just a few hours or up to 24 hours. Some people may experience mild swelling or soreness, again similar to a sunburn, or have an increased itching sensation after the treatment which can last for a few days. The itching is more common in people who suffer with allergies due to the skin’s natural histamine response. Most people prefer to do the treatments towards the end of the day so they can go straight home and have time to get their skin calmed down before going to work the next day.
To decrease the after effects listed above, we use LED light therapy, nutrient serums, and a cooling Hydrojelly mask after the treatment which typically will reduce these symptoms and support healthy function.
After a treatment, the skin will be dryer for up to a week. Since we are making very small channels in the skin, which normally holds in our moisture, this is expected. It is very important to make sure that the skin stays hydrated during this time.
What should I do before a treatment?
Please fill out your paperwork ahead of time and bring it with you. You can download the paperwork here.
We will need to wash your face before the treatment so many people like to arrive without makeup
It’s a good idea to organize your time so you can go straight home or only run minimal errands after the treatment.
You will need to stay out of the sun for several days and can not wear make up for 24 hours.
What happens at the initial treatment?
1. During the initial consultation, we review your health history, diet and environmental exposure. We then follow with an assessment and exam of the various facial areas. Pictures will also be taken during this initial visit if doing a series. The initial treatment takes about an hour.
2. The face will be thoroughly cleansed and an alcohol disinfectant will used on the the skin before treatment. During the treatment, the patient will be lying down comfortably. Numbing cream will be applied at this point if needed or requested.
3. The treatment begins by applying a hylauronic acid serum and then using the Microneedling device over the face and neck in a specific pattern to make sure that everything is well treated. There are several different protocol procedures that we follow to achieve the best results for each individual’s needs.
4. During treatment, the face will begin to get rosy and may feel a bit warm. The face may feel a little sore towards the end of the therapy, like the feeling of having a bad sunburn. Some minor pinches may be felt during treatment on certain areas of the face but it is not uncomfortable.
5. After the Microneedling is completed, LED light therapy is applied for 30 minutes. We then apply a nutrient dense serum, based on the client’s specific needs, followed by a customized Hydrojelly mask.
7. Aftercare instructions are provided along with organic facial products to use over the 24 to 48 hours post treatment. The face will be very rosy and will begin to feel tight and may feel warm or itchy for the next 24 -48 hours.
What do I need to do after a treatment?
After a treatment, you will need to do the following:
Avoid being out in direct sun for at least the following 2 to 3 days. If you are out for any prolonged amount of time, you must wear protective sun gear and/or a good sunscreen.
Avoid wearing makeup for the first 24 hours after a treatment. After 24 hours mineral based make up can be used.
Make sure your hands are very clean when touching the treated areas for the first 24 hours.
Plan on not doing any vigorous exercise for the first 12 hours after a treatment.
Your skin will feel dryer than normal so you may need to apply moisturizer and serums more frequently for the first few days after a treatment. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
You will be given aftercare products, with instructions, to use for the first several days. Directly after a treatment it is VERY important that all products used on the skin have incredibly clean ingredients and don’t contain any harsh chemicals or additives. With the new micro-channels that are created during the treatment, any size molecule is now able to pass freely into the body since the normal protective barrier has been breached. After 24 to 48 hours you can resume using your normal products.
If you are using the Qi Acupoint Facial System or using Facial Taping, Facial Gua Sha, or Facial Cupping, please avoid these therapies for 72 hours after the treatment.
Is Microneedling an ablative therapy?
No, Microneedling is a non-ablative treatment so it doesn’t remove the top layer of skin. Many other therapies, such as laser treatments, chemical peels, and dermabrasion, do remove the top layer of skin so they subsequently have more down time and associated side effects and possible risks.
Are there any side effects or risks from this procedure?
Side effects are minimal with this type of treatment and typically include redness, dryness or minor flaking of the skin for 24-72 hours. Some people experience an elevation of itching after the treatments. For extremely sensitive people, these side effects can last up to a week, but this is not common.
Risks of post treatment infection is extremely rare but it is important to make sure your hands are always clean when touching your face for the first 12 to 24 hours. We only use sterile single use needle cartages for our Microneelding and follow clean needle technique during treatment to eliminate the risk of infection from the treatment itself.
This is a non-ablative treatment so hyper-pigmentation or darkening of the skin area treated is highly unlikely but can very rarely occur. If it does, it is usually only temporary and will subsides after the first couple of months. Again, this is extremely rare. Suitable make-up will be able to conceal this if necessary.
If you have a history of cold sores, this treatment could possibly cause them to flare after the treatment so please let us know if this applies to you so we can take precautions.
Is Microneedling contraindicated for any conditions? Who shouldn’t use it?
Microneedling should NOT be done if you are experiencing any of the following at the treatment site:
Infected skin
Fungal skin infection
Irritated skin
Active acne
Active rosacea
Severe solar keratosis
Skin cancer
Raised moles or warts
Cold sore outbreak
Any open wounds
Botox or Fillers have been done within the past 6 weeks
Or if you
Have received radiation treatments on the skin within the last year
Have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing
Have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last 3 months
Are pregnant or breast feeding
If you are taking an anticoagulant or photosensitive medication, please let us know.
How long do the results last after a series?
The results can last up to a year or more but will vary due to age, environment, skin care and overall health. To maintain results, we recommend coming in once quarter for a treatment once the series is completed. There is no limit to the amount of treatments that can be done with this therapy.
What if I just got Botox or had a derma filler treatment?
We don’t recommend coming in for a Microneedling treatment after you have had a Botox or derma filler injection within the past 6 weeks. The increase in collagen production from the Microneedling treatment will decrease the effectiveness and will shorten the time that Botox or a derma filler can offer results. However, if you are thinking about transitioning to Microneedling instead of doing Botox or a derma filler, but don’t want to minimize their benefits earlier than expected, we recommend starting Microneedling a few months before your next scheduled injection. This should allow enough time for your skin to increase collagen production as the injections are wearing off, making it an easy transition.
Can I do anything between treatments?
Yes, we also encourage our clients to use other at home therapies as well to stimulate healthy skin. Some of our favorites to choose from are: Facial Gua Sha, Facial Cupping, Acupressure Point stimulation, facial exercises and stretches or facial taping. One therapy may be better for your specific skin situation but this can all be discussed in more detail during the treatment.
What is Nanoneedling?
Nanoneedling is done using the same device as Microneeding, just with a different cartridge using shorter needles. The treatment process, creating micro-channels in the skin, is also the same as Microneedling but the depth of insertion is less. Normally for Nanoneedling the depth is about .1mm to .2mm, compared to .5mm to 1mm with Microneedling.
Nanoneedling can be done more often since the goal is to get more nutrients into the skin, with specific serums, and not to stimulate collagen production like with Microneedling. Nanoneedling is also used for treating around the eye areas when the shorter depth is needed for proper treatment.
What ingredients do I need to avoid in my products for 24 hours after a treatment?
1. Preservatives: parabens, benzyl alcohol, methylisothiazolinone, BHA, BHT, Triclosan benzalkonium, phenoxyethanol, Quaternium 15, DMDM, Germall ll, etc.
2. Parabens
3. Citrus extracts: grapefruit seed extract, citric acid, Limonene, etc.
4. Fragrance / perfume
5. Essential Oils: lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, bergamot, lavender, ylang ylang, peppermint, citronella, clove, cinnamon, etc.
6. Surfactants: sodium laureth sulphate, sodium lauryl sulphate, TEA, DEA, benzalkonium chloride, etc.
7. Emulsifiers: PEG, polysorbates, polyethylene glycol, cetyl alcohol, etc.
8. Emollients: petrolatum, mineral oil, isoparaffin, lanolin, silicone, polybutene, polyethylene glycol, etc.
9. Humectants: ethylene glycol, PEG 4, Propylene glycol, sorbic acid, urea, etc
It is very important to avoid these types of ingredients in your products right after the treatment for about 24 hours. Directly after a treatment the skin barrier has been breached, channels have been made in the skin, and unwanted chemical molecules which are usually blocked can now freely pass into the body until the channels naturally close again.
As a side note, even after the time has passed for avoidance, please make sure to use only products that contain safe ingredients on your face and body. Even without the micro-needling, unwanted ingredients will make it into the body and the blood stream so always make sure your products are as clean as possible.