

What is Microcurrent?

Microcurrent is a non-invasive therapy that offers a safe, all natural option for facial rejuvenation. Microcurrent supplies gentle, painless, low frequency electrical impulses to specifically selected muscles and areas on the face to firm and tighten the muscles and skin.

This gentle current mimics the body's own electrical impulses, which help to stimulate and increase the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) by up to 500%. This soothing Microcurrent treatment can safely restore the skin’s natural balance for a more youthful appearance.

It is used to visibly diminish fine lines or wrinkles on the face and neck, smooth and rejuvenate the skin, re-educate the muscles of the face and neck, and help maintain healthy radiant skin. The treatment is sub-sensory so there is absolutely no pain and most people fall asleep during the session.

Microcurrent treatments help to..

  • Improve muscle tone & skin texture

  • Reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Stimulate blood circulation

  • Promote production of collagen and elastin

  • Tonify, tighten and sculpt the face

  • Reduce puffiness

  • Improve muscle tone and firm skin

  • Improve skin tone & complexion


Experience the difference for yourself!

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